Noah’s ark has set up a few projects to help cater more for the children for example a farm where we get food for the children.
A biogas project to cater for cooking fuel€3,685.00 (14m UgShs)
A farm: renting 10 acres of agricultural land to grow food, fruits, vegetables and trees for the project to eventually be self-sustaining. €780/acre (3m Shs)/year
On this farm, there will be cattle keeping, poultry and a piggery
all important for a healthy diet and cash income.
Poultry project altogether €1,840.00 (14m UgShs)
Piggery project altogether €1,200.00 (4,5m UgShs.)
Cattle project €400.00 /cow (1.5m Shs)
The land lady of the premises where the home is found has been gracious
enough to give us one more year to pay off the land. This costs about
€80,000 (300 million Ug. Shillings). The whole amount is still